St.Neots Model Railway Club

FOR SALE This layout is now sold
Hawkesden Road is a new layout built by the club 'N' gauge group. This layout replaces our hugely successful King's Green Wharf which has served the club over many years and is now shown in the list of Members Layouts.
The layout is a simple branch line with a through station and the usual goods facilities often found on country branch lines providing materials for local industries Abbie's Mill, Lucy Dairy Co and the Hawkesden Farmer's Co-operative. The track layout is unusual as the run round loop is positioned outside the station area which can make for some unusual shunting moves.
The buildings are all from the Metcalfe range of cardboard pre-printed kits modified to improve their appearance with guttering, fascia and dowpipes all lightly weathered.
Electrically the layout is wired for DC operation; DCC is also possible by simply throwing all section switches to the "ON" position.
The layout is now complete and available for exhibitions.